• Français
  • Portraits from the Arctic

    An ethnographic mission in the Dolganes' land.

    Photo by Nicolas Mingasson

    The Taimyr Peninsula is located in the far north of Siberia, beyond the Arctic Circle. This is where the Dolganes live. The young ethnologist Yann Borjon Privé went to study them. Pavel, reindeer breeder, Alexsandra, retired veterinarian, Mickail fisherman, Zoïa, nurse, … eight Dolganes tell him about their current and past lives. A serial of portraits where archival photographs summon the word. Changes with cultural, environmental, social and economic changes in this most northerly nomad population of the globe.

    Fiche technique
    Direction, photography & sound: Nicolas Mingasson
    Co-direction: Vincent Gaullier
    Editing : Charlotte Tourres
    Production : Look at Sciences (2014 ; 2017 version unitaire)
    Coproduction : Universcience, Observatoire photographique des Pôles; CNRS Images
    Participation : AMCSTI, Investissements d’avenir, Nikon, Fondation Obélisque
    Duration :  8 x 8min ;  49 min
    Broadcaster : Universcience.tv, Ushuaïa TV, Musée de l’Homme

    voir l'intégralité de la fiche

    Added filming : Vincent Gaullier et Laurent Salters
    Générique : Nicolas Despres-Chopin
    Color grading : MPH Productions
    Translation : Daria Zaytseva et Yann Borjon-Privé
    Direction of production : Mathilde Renard
    Still images archives: Musée régional de Krasnoïarsk
    An ethno-photographic mission developped and funded by The Observatoire Photographique des Pôles, in collaboration with the research program Dolidhi